【陳慧珊】有一種教育,叫學習做決定 (24) 分階段學習







上星期一晚,我到港大上最後一課「論文寫作」。出門前,我提醒女兒媽媽要上學去,而她就和平日一樣和善,希望我上課順利,如同我平日早上,祝她有愉快的一天一樣。不過,她今次沒有直接回房完成歷險小說《Wings of Fire》,她停了一下問我:「媽媽,為甚麼你仍要上學?」












【陳慧珊】有一種教育,叫學習做決定 (23) 有能力做自己
【陳慧珊】有一種教育,叫學習做決定 (22) 我們的勝利之道

Decision Making is Educational

“Learning by Stages”

Education begins by learning about the self in relation to the self. In the crib, we instinctively start with the fundamental elements called body parts. Simultaneously through our own discoveries and taught discoveries, we start to find out answers to the fundamental “what” questions associated with our body parts. What do these hands and feet do? What can I get my hands and feet to do? Then we learn the “how” questions, such as how to hold the spoon with our hands and how to use our hands to maneuver the mashed peas into the spoon. Basically, we learn that our body parts belong to us and the relation of these body parts in terms of how to manipulate them for survival.

Then we learn about the self in relation to our family. We learn that if we took the spoonful of mashed peas at the dinner table, and threw them across the room that we will get a reaction from adults called parents. Parents’ reactions, actions, and inaction demonstrate to their children expected behavior in the home. Children test and make negotiations with their parents to see how far they can go with appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Through testing, cooperating, negotiating, and individuating within the family relationship, children are awakened to the idea that human relationships can be both powerful and wonderful.

Then children realize that whether they test, cooperate, negotiate, or individuate that they will still get their human needs met, and that no matter what, the family is the source of their strength and the core to their fundamental conviction of belonging.

However, the world is not just made up of the self and the family. Children also have to learn how to function within the relationship of the larger world, i.e. the world of the self in relation to others (aside from family members) and in other environments external to the home.

That’s where the function of the ‘school’ comes into play.

Last week before I headed out to HKU to attend my final Monday night “Thesis Writing” class, I reminded my daughter that I was going to school. She was kind as usual and wished me a good class, just like I wish her a good day at school each morning. However, this time she paused before she strutted back into her room to finish her “Wings of Fire” dragon adventure book, and asked, “Mama, why do you still need to go to school?” We’ve had conversations about this before so she knew the answer, but at that moment perhaps she wanted to justify the reason for my having to leave her for 4 hours to do something that (in her eyes) only most children, and not adults my age do. Seeing that it was a good question that deserved a good answer, I dropped by backpack, put down the car keys, (and since I had 30 minutes to spare) we engaged in a meaningful conversation. However, for this complex task I elicited the support and wisdom of my husband and exchanged views as a family, on things such as why people go to school, based on the types of knowledge and learning we seek and attain at different levels of schooling:

Primary school:

A haven where we’re encouraged to knead our mistakes deliberately along the path to awakening our being (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) and discovering ourselves in relation to others (human or object).

Secondary school:

A well-structured and comparatively more demanding environment where we start knowing how to be the author of our life, and form skills to face and cope with rivalry of all sorts…by tailoring ourselves with a distinctive “school uniform” in preparation for our next admission and inspiration in the path of formal education.

Tertiary education:

A systematic testing ground where the formula to excel is to forget everything we’ve learned in the past…and continue to forget until we’ve reached a new idea, or a new path…at which time we incorporate everything we’ve ever learned …to applying wisdom.

When my husband and I have more “philosophical” conversations with my daughter I tell her that it’s okay not to understand everything we talk about. But we do see glimpses in the eyes of my 9-year old daughter which confirms that she is awakening through taking in stimuli in various forms. We also tell her to grasp the parts that she can and eventually she will find a way to appreciate our sharing and to form her own versions of knowledge from them, or that if it takes a while to reach that point, that that would be all right too.

Because I know that somehow, through the different levels of formal schooling and educational experiences at home and elsewhere — and through her constant comparison of her competences and accomplishments in relation to others, that she will eventually find the know-how to actualize the power of self-reliance. After all, isn’t that the ultimate quest for learning – to gain the ability to be autonomous and wise decision-makers in life?

Text by Flora Chan


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