【陳慧珊】有一種教育,叫學習做決定 (2) 與「懼」為友


上文提及,在任何作決定的過程中,最有效的策略是「評定精確的行動」。 (見另文



















Making Decisions is Educational

         “Be Friends with Fear”

Before we even begin to define precise action points to help navigate our decision making endeavors, our initial point of action is always to respond emotionally.  More often than not, we experience negative feelings such as fear, anger, hatred – some kind of suffering, just by the mere thought of having to make a choice. 

Whether and how long it takes for us to overcome the emotion depends on our traits, personality, and behavior.  But one thing is constant — resolving the feeling is a self-educating process that’s entirely up to us, for lifelong learning.

‘Fear’ may be the earliest emotion to have evolved, and is a natural survival instinct we couldn’t do without.  ‘Fear’ is a psychological, physiological, and behavioral response to adverse past experiences or to the perception (legitimate or imagined) that something bad is about to happen.  The dysphoric emotion may not only muddle our processing of and unbiased interpretation of information, it may result in avoidant decisions, thus, hindering progression and learning.

From a hedonistic view, as we base our decisions on goals that could optimize happiness and diminish suffering, ‘fear’ may incline us to miss our natural goals.

As such, we could learn to conquer ‘fear’, our “enemy”, by inviting ‘fear’ to be our “friend”.  With this strategic invitation, we would have the advantage of baffling, minimizing, thwarting, and conquering our “enemy” – ‘fear’.

As a result, we may learn to claim the power to think and act from our own free-will rather than to be controlled by ‘fear’ as our “enemy”.  The winning strategy may be to “Be Friends with Fear”.

If we invite ‘fear’ to be our casual friend…

…we may throw Him off guard so as to disarm his natural instinct to threaten or intimidate us into thinking that we are insufficient to take Him on.  Rather than to give Him the chance to behave through habit and experience, and attempt to forcefully dominate our consciousness and unconsciousness to strategically control our physiological, emotional, and behavioral responses, He may be too preoccupied with being perplexed by the invitation.

…we may ignite His desire for companionship and intimacy.  After all, even the most manipulative villain has the innate need to feel validated, understood, and appreciated.  The invitation may destroy His initial plan of attack, and may even change his perception of us, which would undoubtedly position us at an advantage if we subsequently decide to beat Him in his own cruel game.

         If we invite ‘fear’ to be our close friend…

…She may actually put down Her guard and allow us to get to know the real Her.  Then we would no longer need to be afraid of Her.  We would know the nuances of Her character, personality, and behavior so well that She would not be able to surprise us in such a way as to cause us to revert to our old disadvantageous habits of self-defense.  Once we have begun to gain Her “trust”, this may neutralize her impulse to attack, and perhaps refocus her attention of aggression. 

…since we are protected by a bond of “trust”, we could stand up to Her and “tell it like it is”.  We could muster up the courage to tell Her to stop degrading and intruding, because we have our own dreams and goals and we refuse to allow her to continue to control our fate.  We could gather our learned and accumulated defenses of the mind and heart, and wear down Her prohibitive nature.  When She realizes that her tactics have failed, She may withdraw Her troops altogether and retreat into a world of shame and regret, never to retaliate.

       If we invite ‘fear’ to be our intimate friend…

…He may be so “touched” by the invitation that He may make a deliberate choice to suppress his desires for direct attack.  Our concern, support, and encouragement may genuinely have enlightened Him to self-reflect, self-criticize, and gain self-insight.  In turn, He may actually realize that self-indulgence in His own emotion and blaming others for his own bad character as an excuse not to make a progressive move, may damage others (and himself) from achieving happiness.  With this newfound freedom, we could both stop second-guessing each other, and adopt a genuinely positive strategic approach towards a future as true, intimate friends.

…it may open up a channel of communication to reconcile differences and work towards forgiveness.  Rather than waste knowledge and wisdom on devising ways to attack and counterattack, we could refocus on finding a way to welcome and live with each other.  After all, the best way to win against the enemy is to befriend Him.

By inviting ‘fear’ to be our friend, we could teach our “enemy” the advantages of restructuring “his/her” self-inhibiting tendencies, and learn to be proactive towards finding the most effective path to gain self-insight, self-discipline, and courage.  By using these strategies to conquer our ‘fear’, we may be liberated to make a life-changing decision that could propel us to take that crucial first step towards that which is worth pursuing.

Text by Flora


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