Ohpama Parenting Hub 2024: No.1 Parenting Digital Media & No.1 Parenting Magazine |
Ohpama.com has been topping the Media Report conducted by Marketing Interactive for 7 consecutive years (2018-2024). Parents are highly engaged with the platform’s practical parenting intelligence, family life news, education resources, and parent-kid activities. Ohpama has built up a unique and strong family-friendly position and has upheld its media credibility for years. |
In the same media report, Smart Parents Magazine has won the recognition as Best Parenting Magazine for 12 consecutive years (2013-2024). From 2023, it has become one of the windows under Ohpama’s parenting hub. The two labels consistently get hold of the top of mind in audience and marketers’ awareness. |
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Ohpama Professional Recognition in 2022 |
Ohpama has had a fruitful 2022. The leading parenting media platform’s excellence has been recognized by a spectrum of industrial awards, specializing its promising quality from creative marketing solution, O2O campaign execution, event customization, to driving media results. The parenting media platform has been popular in the family segment and has made the top spot among marketers for five consecutive years.
SPARK Awards 2022 for Media Excellence
Marketing Events Awards 2022
No.1 Parenting Digital Media of the Year 2022 |
2022 Awarding Campaigns |
LCSD x Ohpama “Little Museum KOL” |
Lee Kum Kee x Ohpama “Parent-kid Cooking Journey” |
No.1 Parenting Digital Media 2018-2021 |
Ohpama has shown its excellence in providing parenting and family life news, including up-to-date information, practical expert knowledge, family activities, and local and overseas education resources for Hong Kong parents, and has made the top spot for four consecutive years. At the same time, this brand, under Sing Tao News Corporation, partners with brands to develop total marketing solutions, creates content, produces videos, and organises online and offline events. The platform has proven its strong penetration and audience engagement in its recent successful exhibition events, and school-kid projects.
^Read more about Marketing Interactive Media Report 2021
The Marketing Event Awards 2021 - Silver Winner |
The Online Parenting and Educational Campaign “小小理財師” crossed-over by Hong Kong Monetary Authority and Ohpama won Silver under the category Best Event (Corporate Social Responsibility) in the Marketing Event Awards 2021.
^Learn more about “HKMA x Ohpama Online Parenting and Educational Campaign”
Oh!爸媽 三「年」冠
It is our honour to be ranked "No.1 Digital Media of the Year - Parenting" in 3 consecutive years (2018-2020) by Marketing Magazine.
Ohpama has proven to be a favourite destination for Hongkongers with little ones to look after. A parenting resource under the Sing Tao News Corporation umbrella, it offers a wealth of valuable information on topics such as the best local and overseas schools, parental advice, to a directory of events and even product recommendations – both from Ohpama’s own editorial as well as fellow users.
連續三年 (2018-2020) 獲《Marketing Magazine》選為「最佳親子數碼媒體」,Oh!爸媽深感榮幸及感謝支持。
Oh!爸媽 連續3年累積十優 |
Ohpama.com 再於SPARK Awards 2020中榮獲四個獎項,連續3年累積十優,成績令人鼓舞。
去年Oh!爸媽為 澳南海岸O’South Coast 地產項目策劃的《澳南海岸聖誕嘉年華》勇奪兩項大獎,分別為最佳體驗活動宣傳策劃及 最佳媒體戶外宣傳策劃;另《Oh!爸媽試用中心》獲得最佳網站介面用戶體驗策略獎項,證明《試用中心》於短時間內為品牌營造產品口碑 (WOM) 及調整網上搜尋表現 (SEO) 的威力。
《Oh!爸媽x 澳南海岸聖誕嘉年華》
SPARK Awards 2020 Best Media Campaign (Experiential) 最佳體驗活動宣傳策劃
Best Media Campaign (Out-of-Home) 最佳媒體戶外宣傳策劃
SPARK Awards 2020
Best CX/UX Strategy 最佳網站介面用戶體驗策略
Best Influential 最具影響力
Fast Growing Media 增長迅速媒體
Best Social Media Event 最佳社交媒體活動策劃
Best Media Campaign (Social) 最佳社交媒體宣傳策劃
Best Media Campaign (Experiential) 最佳體驗活動宣傳策劃
Best Media Campaign (Out-of-Home) 最佳媒體戶外宣傳策劃
Best Acquisition Strategy 最佳顧客吸納策略
Best Audience Retention Strategy 最佳顧客保留策略
Best Outdoor Innovation 最佳創新戶外宣傳策劃
Best CX/UX Strategy 最佳網站介面用戶體驗策略
*SPARK Awards for Media Excellence 2018-2020
連續兩年 No.1 Parenting Digital Media |
SPARK Awards 2019 - Media Excellence |
繼2018年成為品牌及營銷界最佳親子數碼媒體,Oh!爸媽今年再下一城,於表揚媒體傑出成績的 SPARK Awards 2019 中囊括三項大獎:Best Influential Award、Fast Growing Media、Best Media Campaign (Social)。
於SPARK Awards 2019領獎一刻
Oh!爸媽成為最高增長、最具影響力、最Viral 的親子數碼媒體
抱住與「陪伴爸媽渡過每個Oh! Moment」的宗旨,Oh!爸媽努力開發更多有用又好用的接觸面為讀者帶來方便。好像最新推出的《Oh!爸媽試用中心》,會搜羅不同產品或服務,讓爸媽試用專員分享用後感或使用心得;而《Oh!爸媽App》繼續網羅好玩親子活動。
《Oh!爸媽試用中心》 https://try.ohpama.com
《Oh!爸媽App》下載 http://bit.ly/2BtlKjQ
【No.1 最佳親子數碼媒體】 |
經過三年的成長,「Oh!爸媽」於2018年10月獲《Marketing》 雜誌公佈的媒體調查報告,選為「年度最佳親子數碼媒體」。調查訪問了600多位來自主要行業高級營銷人員對選擇媒體投放宣傳資源的意見,結果顥示了「Oh!爸媽」得到本地品牌的肯定。
Media Report 2018 by Marketing Magazine:
【SPARK Awards 2018】 |
「Oh!爸媽」衷心感謝會員、讀者、客戶等過去對我們的支持,陪伴我們成長,見證我們於Marketing Magazine 舉辦的The SPARK Awards 2018中取得令人鼓舞的成績!Let’s share the joy together!
Oh!爸媽 Ohpama.com
得獎項目《SONY Action Cam x Ohpama》其中內容