【陳慧珊】有一種教育,叫學習做決定 (23) 有能力做自己


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【陳慧珊】有一種教育,叫學習做決定 (22) 我們的勝利之道
【陳慧珊】有一種教育,叫學習做決定 (21) 不要停止「質疑」


Decision Making is Educational

“Capable of Being Ourself”

Be the same person
privately, publicly, and personally

Ideally, it would feel pretty good if we could be the same person privately, personally and/or publicly. That would imply that we have close to nothing to hide, have achieved a high level of self-understanding and self-assurance, and believe in the value of extracting positive meaning from each experience rather than wasting energy worrying about how our behavior is viewed in the eyes of others.

However, for fundamental reasons, we can’t always behave the same way in private as we do in public as some basic human actions would be inappropriate and offensive. And by choice or past experience, sometimes we would rather keep our private and personal actions and persona under wraps to maintain a degree of confidentiality, to save our truest selves for significant people in our lives, and/or to maintain our perception of how others see us, i.e. our public image.

As an actress or public figure, it would be understandable to seem like we have more at stake if we don’t exert effort to purposefully maintain a “good” public image. It makes sense that some actors try hard to ensure that their public persona gets the thumbs up. By behaving in ways that may not be true to their real personas, some actors feel like they could have control over how they’re perceived, even at the cost of sacrificing their true selves.

I have found, however, throughout my 20 years in the field of entertainment, that the happiest people (i.e. actors, scriptwriters, directors, executive producers, etc. who are known for their work) are those whose gap between the private and personal versus the public self is not too far off.

Self-understanding and Self-assurance

The key is to remember that we have a choice to stay true to our sense of self, even in public. This choice can be grounded in the confidence that we know our identities well and are quite certain that we would behave appropriately in wide and various situations. The self-assurance in knowing that we have the ability to “do the right thing, at the right time, in the right manner, in the context of different circumstances”, may be the key to give us the freedom to behave naturally and effortlessly as we would in a private, personal, and/or public situation.

By knowing and believing that we have the ability to solve problems amidst the flux of circumstances, that events usually do not happen randomly and therefore we can rely on our intuition and logic to automatically detect, analyze and cope with circumstances, and that we always try to have the best interest of others at heart, our actions would be consistent whether or not others are watching.


When people have worked hard to become successful, they naturally want to preserve their success, in whatever form it may come in (fame, wealth, power, etc). They feel like if they behave in unexpected or unacceptable ways (as perceived by the media, fans, and/or the public), that they will lose what they have worked hard to gain.

Some are afraid to behave with spontaneity (as they would in private)those emotions which reflect their true sense of pain, pleasure, grief, or joy in the moment; to do so would reveal a frailty that would be subject to public scrutiny and even mockery. Even if different situations call for different displays of personalities they do not allow themselves to show their true emotions. To display self-control, therefore, is believed to be the tried-and-tested way to “manipulate” how they want the public to see them.

I find that a more effective way of self-preservation is through doing quality work. Those whose public image is grounded because they are known for their hard work, dedication, honesty, respect for fellow workers, and who take risks for the sake of learning and progression, will not need to fear that their “good” public image will be shaken if they suddenly display a bout of humanity.

There is too much of a warmth and intimacy of our own thoughts and feelings, as reflected in our behavior and reactions, that some of us would never trade off those moments in order to “look good”. Public figures are human after all, and humans are fallible.


In a public situation, rather thanfocusingour attention on deliberately behaving according to how others would positively interpret our actions, we could save our energy for more meaningful living, such as taking in refreshing and educational experiences. Why would we ever want to miss out on the wonderful opportunities to explore the world by focusing on something less meaningful and worthwhile, such as making sure that others notice a more desirable version of us?

If we believe that our actions reflect good values and come from a good place, we needn’t calculate the best way to act because our values would initiate our actions. Using this same principle on and off the public stage means we wouldn’t need to exert effort to be vigilant to our actions, because they would be justifiably “good”. We are then left with ample time and energy to live in the moment, to not always feel like we have to be prepared for the possibility of having to defend our actions or to be conscious of how we could control the “outcome” of people’s final assessment of us.

Most of all, being preoccupied with our behavior is simply too tiresome. Sometimes, we need to put aside the thoughts and words of others, and to think, feel, and act in a manner that is genuinely ours. Other times, we need to trust that others have the capacityto see behind our actions and be willing to extract the good from the bad.

Imagine how many years it takes for most of us to get to a point where we are capable of finding comfort in being ourselves privately, publicly, and/or personally. For me, it has taken at least 40 years. Think of how many years of learning my daughter of 9 will likely endure before she can strike a balance between the true self versus the public self. And hopefully, she will be happy in the discovery that the private, public, and personal self can be the same passionate, optimistic, compassionate, generous, and self-respecting individual.

Text by Flora Chan


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