【陳慧珊】有一種教育,叫學習做決定 (21) 不要停止「質疑」


「我們不能用製造問題時的思維來解決同一個問題。」 — 愛因斯坦













以一個失明人士為例,他可以依靠自己對世界的理解好好生活,不過若他突然能夠看見,他亦可以重新理解出一個「真實的」世界 — 好好學習便可。如果他繼續保持昔日對「看不見的世界」的認知,就不能順利過渡到現實生活。相比對抗,他更應該努力找尋新方法應對,令這趟旅程更順暢。他或會自動自覺這樣去做,因為隨著學習新知識,捨棄舊習慣和觀念更令人充實及興奮。 





【陳慧珊】有一種教育,叫學習做決定 (19) 找尋自己的奇景
【陳慧珊】有一種教育,叫學習做決定 (20) 為改變、相信、承諾做準備

Decision Making is Educational

Give ‘Questioning’ – No School Break

“You cannot solve a problem
with the same mind that created it.”
-Albert Einstein

Let’s begin with an unassailable fact. Biologically, a human being can only be created with a male and a female. We cannot create a child by two men, two women, nor by one individual woman or man. We’ve basically accepted this mundane piece of fact throughout history and do not question it. However, we should.

And some genetic scientists did. They thought it was important to question why some species of amphibians, reptiles, and even birds can create live young without mating but that humans can’t. Therefore, researchers have tried in the lab (on specimens of mice) to recreate a virgin birth of sorts, but have failed.

However, the lesson learned is, at least some scientists have tried to question the unquestionable – by giving questioning “no school breaks”.

In our daily living, when problems arise and we approach them with the same failed decisions, why does it surprise us when the problems don’t go away? We’re not scientists but in most cases we’re knowledgeable enough to know that we don’t need a lab experiment to prove that we can’t solve a problem using the same state of mind, or the same perceptions, which result in the same forms of behavior.

In a similar vein, when someone has made us angry, how many times have we resorted to a knee-jerk reaction of ranting and raving nonstop only to be exhausted enough to take a moment’s breath, and then to re-trigger our anger by self-indulging in the same angry thought? The same holds true for when we’re in a state of anxiety and we exacerbate it by repeating the same thoughts over and over again in our minds. How could we, by remaining in the same state of mind, help solve the problems associated with our anger or anxiety?

When it comes to trusting our perception in evaluating and making decisions towards a problem, most people like to abide by the law of ‘Seeing is Believing’; we like to think that what we see and feel is the only reality. Not to mention, most people only like to “see” what they want to see.
The irony is that visual perception in itself can be illusive. For example, in the visual world, given two objects at the same distance, we may perceive the larger and brighter object to be closer. Another example is that familiar objects are usually perceived at their true distance when placed alongside unfamiliar objects of the same distance. Therefore, if even nature gives us room to question even the “unquestionable”, why is it that we don’t question our habitual ways of doing and thinking?
Because we’re so used to trusting our perception of things, that when faced with more serious and complex problems most of us just keep circling in the same perception of the problem. We forget that our perception of the problem is really just… our individual, biased way of looking at the world. In other words, we give the questionable “a school break”.
Further to this thought, how do we know if something is real or true? We don’t really, 100% of time, because (facts aside?) what is real or true depends on our own interpretation of that event through our perception. And this perception is partially caused by all the beliefs, values, attitudes and preferences that we accumulated in the past which cause us to see things the way we do in the present.
To make matters worse, our environment and the things and people we deal with are never static, so we interpret situations amid the complexities of distractions and relationships which could confuse us and cloud our judgment, and force us to take actions based on our habits because old ways of doing and thinking give us some level of comfort.

Stability and habit give us comfort, even when stability and habit does not work. Rather than to admit to, sometimes conform to, or stretch our tolerance level, we would rather not question how things were done or perceived in the past. We would much rather accept what is stable and exclude anything contradictory or seemingly out of our reach.

But it may help to keep in mind that by engaging in learning new ways of thinking and doing, that this behavior may eventually liberate us from feeling bound by dead ends. After all, no one likes to feel the stress of hitting a brick wall countless times. Simply by motivating ourselves to learn, we could alleviate our stress of feeling like the world is grim with little or no alternatives or solutions.

Take for example the situation of a blind man. A blind man functions well in his own perception of the world, but if he is suddenly granted sight he would know how to manipulate the “real” world – simply by learning how to do it. If he kept using his old sensory perception of his past sightless world, he could not possibly make a transition into reality. Rather than fight it, he must not only go with the flow, but search for strategies to make his journey smoother and faster. He would be self-motivated to do so because he would discover along the way of learning, that discarding old habits and perceptions are much more fulfilling and exciting.

We may not need to be as meticulous or rigorous as scientists, but we will need to make a deliberate and systematic effort in order to question past decision-making and other unproductive behaviors. We could, however, expect a smooth transition from old to new as long as we motivate ourselves enough to do it.

In the “end”, we could be enlightened by the “reality” that things don’t have to be the way they are, that people don’t really feel that way about us, that things don’t have to be done in a particular way, that fact can become fiction and vice versa, and that the world is really brighter and more hopeful than we once envisaged.

Text by Flora Chan


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