【陳慧珊】有一種教育,叫學習做決定 (20) 為改變、相信、承諾做準備








為改變做好心理準備,我們就有能力改變往常的做法,動員其他人去支持我們。有時候,我們的付出會直接見到成效,有時候只是嘗試。但是透過嘗試, 我們會知道未來的努力該放在哪裏。












【陳慧珊】有一種教育,叫學習做決定 (18) 改寫我們的真實故事
【陳慧珊】有一種教育,叫學習做決定 (19) 找尋自己的奇景


Decision Making is Educational

Getting Ready to Change, Believe, Promise

Change is always well-prepared, but are we?

Change is always prepared to welcome us, but are we prepared to invite it in? Without being equipped for the mental effort to initiate a change, change would become a missed opportunity to make a difference.

The driving force for a great chance at doing something different from the past is our own awareness of the advantages of traveling in the experience of change. The awareness could be caused by someone or something or it could be self-initiated. Whatever inspired us the first step is always the same: we have to allow our inspiration to kick-start our decision to make a change before we fall back into the comfort of inertia.

Compared with the other steps in the process to change, the first mental step can set the momentum and make a significant difference in how we make progressive decisions throughout the journey.

Sometimes a change takes the collaboration of people around us. Unfortunately, most people are comfortable in their habits, some could be too proud to give in, or feel a change is not even necessary. The world is full of opinion leaders, but not enough leadership. It’s up to us to present the facts and to paint a sense of urgency so that people will feel like something bad will come out of doing nothing. It’s human nature to stay in the comfort of habits unless we create the urgency to make a change.

The key is to stop the complainers from complaining, the scared from being fearful, and to take up the leadership role in the decision making initiative. With the right attitude and a strong, urgent case for change, others will be afraid of losing out if they don’t jump on the same bandwagon.

By being mentally equipped for change, we could cope with the challenges of changing how things were done in the past and to motivate others to support us. Sometimes our efforts will be more linear and successful, other times they will be merely attempts. But the term “failure” could be erased from our mental dictionary, because the lessons that can be learned from any attempt will connect to understanding what needs to be done for all future endeavors.

Believing in our values and vision

In deciding to take that leap of faith towards change, it helps to believe in ourselves and that means believing in our core values and in our vision.

Our values define what is important to us as a parent, student, a corporate executive, etc. Each role comes with it a slightly different set of core values that set guidelines for appropriate thoughts and actions. Within the game of the effort to change, the first step in setting a foundation for what we believe in is to first define our role.

Because each role comes with it a set of implicit rules and established boundaries about what are appropriate thoughts and actions, they will guide our decision making process. By following these identity guidelines and being a player within what we and others expect to be appropriate behavior and thinking, doing the “right” thing according to our respective role will help nurture our belief that our decision were “right”. Otherwise, the guilt of feeling like our decisions should’ve been made differently, would nudge us to like ourselves a little less. And that, would be detrimental to our ability to uphold our belief in our vision.

If we want a firm foundation for our faith we need to have a strong belief in our core values and vision. Knowing what is important to us, what we stand for, and why we exist, will give us that foundation to fight for our vision. When others challenge what we believe in, having core values and a genuine heart-felt purpose will help put us back on the right track when we are faced with insecurities, blame, and/or indecisiveness. Believing in our core values and sensible vision within an ever-changing world of confusion and selfish agendas will bring clarity and strength when we need it. And give us a more linear direction towards progression of our vision.

A promise could be more than just a promise

No matter how many strategies, well thought-out plans, well-defined values and goals we ultimately manage to structure, a vision is just a vision without the promise to act. Once the promise is set in stone, an initiative to change will most likely be carried out through action. That action inspired by promise, can only result in a good decision, because change is always a step towards something different and something better. Simply by walking in the experience of change will already place us in a sure-to-win situation.

If we are born with the freedom to make promises, why not choose to treasure it as a source for answers to why things are not working the way we want and/or expect. Rather than complaining, drowning in sorrow and fear, and/or blaming circumstances for our inertia, a promise to change will give us the strength to search for safety, security, excitement, or whatever we feel are lacking.

A gentle reminder though, that the most wholesome promise comes from a pure form of faith that is set in a vision of change that is sensible for the common good. If we find that in our path to change that we are faced with challenges beyond our control and/or that people around us are hesitant to support us, we may want to backtrack and question our motives before we rant and rave in frustration. Because although we are most likely to perceive that most efforts to change are for our own good, it may not be the best decision for universal progression.

Text by Flora Chan


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