【陳慧珊】有一種教育,叫學習做決定 (18) 改寫我們的真實故事




























【陳慧珊】有一種教育,叫學習做決定 (17) 讓我們的孩子當孩子
【陳慧珊】有一種教育,叫學習做決定 (16)聆聽你的孩子

Decision Making is Educational

“Editing Our True Story”

By the time we’re adults most of us have already written a book or two about our lives. Some have been good enough to publish while others have remained stashed away in our desk drawers pending revision. And still others have been revised half way only for us to find that it’s no longer worth pursuing. The good news is that we’ve already succeeded in half of the battles of life because we’ve managed to keep writing, and hopefully, keep finding interesting and worthwhile things to write about.

Writing is the fun part. Editing is not as much fun. While we meander through the river of possibilities as to the quantity and quality of revision, editing can be frustrating and even scary. However, the most important requisite to turning in a strong final version of a well-written story is to focus on the editing stage. If we edit truthfully, edit often, and edit fearlessly, we will most likely be able to come up with a satisfactory “final” product that will have a good chance at becoming a best seller.

Edit truthfully

To edit truthfully, takes a lot of inner reflection about what we have already written down about our feelings, thoughts, behaviors, and experiences. It’s always good to start at the point of self. By looking inward first to compare how close to the truth we are from what we have written down, we could first and foremost, decide whether we want to deal with the truth and whether we want to make revisions to those things that are not so true.

Sometimes, we may have purposely written a version of what we want to be true, rather than what is really true. In that case, we may decide that we like the existing version of ourselves which we have created, and decide that we don’t want to shape or fine-tune any part of it.

There’s nothing wrong with having a version that is not really true, depending on how far our story of our own character, feelings, actions, attitudes, values, perspectives, etc. are from the reality of how we’re really like or how we’ve been living our life. As long as we’re conscious of the fact that we’re writing in a different genre other than non-fiction, then it may be alright to live in a self-constructed world of romance, horror, or fantasy.

However, if we make the choice not to edit for truth, thinking we wouldn’t harm ourselves with this decision, we may be in for a big surprise. Along the way of keeping with our less truthful draft of writing, we may find that we keep doing things that frustrate ourselves and others.

While we think we’re behaving in ways that reflect what we really feel and think, even the most seasoned writers cannot logically create an inconsistent character without plunging him/her into a journey of conflicts and crisis. A protagonist who has certain characteristics but doesn’t act according to those characteristics may be able to go through life happily in the short-term, but in the long-run, inconsistency between character and behavior usually paves way for tragic endings.

In other words, we could keep writing a fictitious version of our character and story, but in our interaction with others and the world, we will one day find that the expressions on our face do not match the expressions in our heart, and therefore will not match our physical expressions in the form of what we do. Then we will question why it is people are frustrated with our behavior, and then we become frustrated with ourselves.

Therefore, perhaps it would be a smarter choice to edit for truth, at the very onset, so that as we continue in our cycle of writing and editing, that the process would be much less tedious and much more enjoyable.

Edit often

In order to edit often we need to fill our pool of knowledge so that we know what to edit, how to edit, why we want to edit, and how much we want to edit. If we keep comparing ourselves to our past selves through our existing knowledge and experiences, it would be difficult to edit often because we keep pulling from the same source of ideas. Therefore, in order to edit often we need to read often.

By reading the stories of others’ lives we could find a point of comparison, a library of information, and a source of inspiration.

When we read the stories of others, we could learn from them. We could learn what is considered “normal” and form opinions of what we consider could be “better”, more “appropriate”, and /or more “responsible”.

Our thoughts, feelings, and actions as compared to others are important because without self in relation to others there is no standard of what society and most people consider “normal”. Therefore, when we read, we could make comparisons to our own standards and make adjustments as to what could be improved in such areas as our own character, feelings, actions, and/or perspectives.

If we read often and widely, we are also exposed to experiences that are not so “normal”. Then we could choose whether to conform to the status quo or to adjust our personalities, attitudes and behaviors to fit “outside of the box” rather than in it. Once we have figured out which parts of people’s stories we want to borrow, and why we want to borrow them, experience will show us how to pinpoint strategies as to how to adapt them to our own lives.

While we read vastly the stories of others, we also need to re-read our own stories often. By reading we can fine-tune and shape according to a deeper understanding of our past selves. This way, we could edit and re-edit our lives according to the person we want to be and are capable of being.

Edit fearlessly

When we become too attached to a word, a sentence, or a paragraph in our story, it’s hard to throw it away. Sometimes the best beginning is the one where we are courageous enough to erase entire pages, because we know in our heart that it’s the right thing to do.

If we feel that the structure of the story is not coherent enough, that the tone is inappropriate, or that the style could be improved, commonsense tells us that in order to thrive, we must make changes. When we struggle to link sentences, or when transitions prove challenging, having the courage to maneuver a sentence or to move a paragraph may be scary, but if we focus on the gain rather than the loss, editing will seem more manageable.

Even seasoned writers never edit to the point where they feel that they have gotten things to the point of perfection. But they edit time and time again fearlessly. They are willing to admit that they never quite get things right, and they have the courage to admit that they are sometimes either overconfident, too self-righteous, or too often take things for granted.

By editing fearlessly, we could make significant changes to our flaws, which would be advantageous to our lives and to the people around us.

Once we have edited a strong enough version and have handed in our final draft for publication, hopefully we will feel the euphoria of a professional writer who has just finished writing a final draft. But there really isn’t ever a final draft; our story is ever-evolving because we’re forever-learning and editing.

So we needn’t be afraid even once our story has been published for all to read. We don’t need to stick with “our story” just because people like it, or we’re afraid to change it for fear of disappointing others. After all, we could always write a sequel and keep editing truthfully, editing often, and editing fearlessly…to our heart’s content.

Text by Flora Chan


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