【陳慧珊】有一種教育,叫學習做決定 (27) 自我持續進步







可是,相比改善給予及接收評語的各種方法,最恆之有效的方法,似乎是將這責任慢慢由老師轉移到學生自己身上。我受到大學一位教授(Prof Davis Carless,以及其團隊)提出的概念 — 可持續性評語啟發,大專生作出自我評價及調節,最終他們可以依靠自己。通過融合他人意見及自我評估,可以打開自我調整及有效率的終身學習的大門。









【陳慧珊】有一種教育,叫學習做決定 (26) 打結、解結、拉開,三步自己找出解決方法
【陳慧珊】有一種教育,叫學習做決定 (24) 分階段學習

Decision Making is Educational

“Being Self-sustaining”

When feedback is used in the classroom context, the term feedback usually refers to comments students receive from teachers on their work performance. The intention is for students to internalize the written or oral feedback, and to make improvements on their decisions about learning attitudes, strategies, and behavior.

Yet although the intention of the feedback giver (teacher) is almost always for the good of the feedback receiver (students), students don’t usually have the right skills or attitude to translate the information into making better future decisions on learning.

In schools and universities, teachers and professors are making an effort to be better feedback givers. The first step is to make students feel less anxious about receiving them. Simple adjustments such as changing the color of the ink used to mark corrections from red to more “positive” colors such as green or purple, have become a rule in most primary and secondary local schools.

To attend to the problem of content and time, teachers try to spend more time to form a dialogue with students so that the feedback is bi-directional (moving from the teacher to the students and vice-versa) so that the comments don’t just stop at the point of students receiving them, but that the content is carried to the next level by students asking questions, teachers giving guidance towards comprehending the comments, students accepting that things could be improved, leading to more productive learning.

Also, teachers realize that giving feedback at the end of a class is less productive, because students don’t have an incentive to read them thinking that it would not help them get a better grade. Therefore, efforts are being made to give timely feedback and to give feedback throughout the duration of the course rather than at the end.

However, within numerous efforts to make improvements on giving and learning from feedback, the most promising seems to be to gradually transfer the responsibility from teachers to students themselves. From one of my university professors (Prof. David Carless), I was inspired by his (and his fellow researchers’) concept of making feedback sustainable, by having tertiary level students themselves perform the action of self-evaluation and self-regulation so that they can eventually depend on themselves. By incorporating the feedback of others with their own self-assessment, it sets the stage for self-regulation and productive life-long learning.

It would be nice if we could translate this concept into our daily lives.

In our daily lives we receive feedback, or criticism, from others all the time, both at home and work, and even from strangers. Quality criticism that others try to offer us sometimes fall of deaf ears because recipients of the critique don’t always know how to assimilate and make use of the information in effective ways. At the same time, people giving their comments are not aware of, or are not willing to be sensitive to the skills of using the right intentions, words, and emotions for constructive rather than destructive criticism.

The concept of ‘criticism’ itself (rather than the more neutral concept of ‘feedback’) is perceived from the start as having negative connotations, and therefore tend to close doors more than to open them.

Since humans are inherently survival-oriented and competitive, we can’t really blame ourselves for reacting to comments that what we’re doing is not good enough, that we need to make a change, or that we’re not really as good as we thought. No one wants to be told that the decisions we’d made leading to our present situation were just not good enough. In turn, this makes us defensive rather than productive.

However, humans are also by nature progress-oriented. We strive to be more knowledgeable, stronger, and wiser. We can’t allow others’ criticisms to diminish our confidence but at the same time we could incorporate the criticisms of those who are less subjective, have broader perspectives, and who emphasize the way forward rather than focusing on less effective past decisions.

At the same time, like some of the teachers and students, we could strive to be more self-sustaining. We may try to be aware of the silent messages that creep up on us from time to time, befriend our fears of facing what we lack, be systematic by breaking down the problem into manageable parts, focus on the future rather than the past, and solve the problems one step at a time.

Just like we teach our children and our students, the best way to enter into the stage of being self-sustaining is through the open doors of education.

Text by Flora Chan


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