【未來醫生?】聰明B女示範人工呼吸 有板有眼


各位爸媽,你們學過急救嗎?不少爸媽或曾想過學習急救,萬一子女有甚麼意外也能馬上為他們進行急救。不過你又有沒有想過,讓子女學習急救,日後自己發生意外時,也能有他們為自己進行急救呢?來自英國South Tyneside的B女Sophie Taylor就向大家示範,即使係小朋友都可以救大人一命。而且,她更是一個只有8個月大的B女。

PIC FROM MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED: HELEN BUCHANANS EIGHT MONTH OLD DAUGHTER SOPHIE TAYLOR) A mum caught the moment she realised her eight-month-old baby could be a future paramedic on camera - when she demonstrated CPR on a practice dummy with almost perfect technique.Adorable footage shows tiny Sophie Taylor, from South Shields, South Tyneside, taking big, deep breaths before pinching the demo dummys nose to deliver the kiss of life.Parents at the Daisy First Aid class, which took place on Sunday (May 7), can be heard giggling and exclaiming in awe while Sophie carefully performs the life-saving technique.And proud mum Helen Buchanan, 40, says she was overwhelmed by her amazing baby girls skills. SEE MERCURY COPY

其實上急救班的人不是Sophie,而是她的媽媽Helen Buchanan。正當Helen在上嬰兒急救班學習有關人工呼吸的知識時,伴在她身旁的女兒突然模仿起導師Jill Santonastaso與媽媽的動作,深呼吸後朝假人的口部「吻」下去。別看她只得8個月大,導師也認為Sophie的動作「表現完美」,Helen更對女兒的學習能力嘖嘖稱奇,因為Sophie連按緊假人鼻子這個細微動作也有做到,她自言為女兒的聰明感自豪。Sohpie的爸爸Colin Taylor與一眾家長們則在旁笑得人仰馬翻。

PIC FROM MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED: HELEN BUCHANANS EIGHT MONTH OLD DAUGHTER SOPHIE TAYLOR) A mum caught the moment she realised her eight-month-old baby could be a future paramedic on camera - when she demonstrated CPR on a practice dummy with almost perfect technique.Adorable footage shows tiny Sophie Taylor, from South Shields, South Tyneside, taking big, deep breaths before pinching the demo dummys nose to deliver the kiss of life.Parents at the Daisy First Aid class, which took place on Sunday (May 7), can be heard giggling and exclaiming in awe while Sophie carefully performs the life-saving technique.And proud mum Helen Buchanan, 40, says she was overwhelmed by her amazing baby girls skills. SEE MERCURY COPY


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