【陳慧珊】有一種教育,叫學習做決定 (6) 放手






















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Decision Making is Educational

“Letting Go”

When I make decisions as a parent, (or in any other role, as a matter of fact, i.e. actress, student, friend, family member), I try to keep in mind that education and knowledge would be wasted if I utilized them to constrain me, and my child.  

In my journey from being an inexperienced mother to evolving into a more aware and, hopefully, better parent, I stumbled upon my “philosophy” of parenting.  I’ve realized that in order to make steadfast parenting decisions, especially those moment-to-moment decisions, I need to rely on the belief that “Letting Go”, is the best way to go, for both parent and child.

In the early years of my daughter’s life, I focused my decisions on establishing a secure parent-child relationship in which being responsive to her physical, emotional, social, and cognitive needs helped her form a sense of security; I believed that this practice would be the foundation to her healthy mental and physical development for life.  Ensuring her that she could feel safe, that she could unconditionally rely on a loving figure in times of distress and needing guidance, was something I innately felt was the right thing to do in the first few years of her life.

In the next phase of her development, I made decisions according to what would give her the most freedom to make her own choices — as to how to learn, what to learn, when to learn, and who to learn from.

I also discovered that, by merely exposing her to a variety of sensory and practical experiences and giving her a free hand to create her own thoughts and ideas about her experiences, that she had the ability, even at a very young age, to make sense of her environment and to form her own ways of thinking about the world.  More importantly, as she explored and grew, she also managed to begin to construct her system of values and beliefs according to things that were relevant and interesting to her.

Throughout the years, rather than showing her how to learn or demanding a destination from her learning, I have been more interested in exposing her to different experiences; what she might learn from those experiences have been left up to her.

For example, when drawing alongside my daughter, I have never maneuvered her hands with the intention to execute exactly how something should be drawn; after reading her a poem I’d always ask her for her own interpretation first before we discussed what the poem meant (and only if she asked about its meaning, since I believe that reading together at home should be based on enjoyment and not on explicit teaching); on deciding whether to sign her up for after-school football when she initiated the interest, although I foresaw that she would face many harsh struggles and disappointments, I still let her go.  

Time and time again, she’s confirmed that my decisions to let go – have inspired her to thrive.

Along the way of parenthood I’ve made some mental notes about my experiences of letting go that has helped me in my times of struggling among the choices of whether to get involved, to intervene, or to let go.  I hope that by sharing these reflections, that there could be some important thoughts worth recognizing when you face your own parenting dilemmas.

*The one genuine “teaching” that we could pass on to our children, is the individual’s independent experience of living, struggling, and triumph, which needs no external explanation, confirmation, or parental intervention.

*Letting go of our children means letting our children lead the way in showing us what they can do on their own accord, and not feeding our pride with confirmation of what we can do for them as a good parent.

*They may surprise us and show us that they can surpass their own achievements, or even if they end up with the same results as they would if they had done it our way, that wouldn’t be so bad either.  At least they would have realized things for themselves, and would have attained accomplishments (or failures) for themselves.

*The more we practice letting go, the more we will witness that it’s best not to define for our children a concrete destination.  We need to trust that we have guided them to establish a firm foundation in the early phase of their life from which they could automatically look back to their roots in times of need but are not dictated by the past.  Better yet, the most confident and capable children are the ones who unlearn what they have learned (inspired by the wise words of an 800 year old master, Yoda, of ‘Star Wars’) and create their own journey.

*Letting go is as much an attitude as it is a behavior.  Those who believe that “going with the flow” is the best way to go are free from burdens of the past and constraints of a defined destination.  The most capable people are those who are not afraid of the unknown or the unpredictable.

*If they still haven’t gotten “there”, no good experiences will come out of preventing them from trying.  Because the more we pull them back, the further they will be from cherished freedom.

*The most unconditional kind of love is the willingness to bear the possibility of pain that comes with the questioning of our parenting abilities because we could have prevented something from happening but chose not to.

*In contemporary society it’s normal for most parents to want their children to make their mark in the world, but perhaps we need to relinquish the trap of our parental desire and open our eyes and ears to a different possibility.  By letting go we may unexpectedly pride ourselves in accepting that some of our children may actually want to live in anonymity.

Recently I attended a press conference for the opening of a British preparatory school in Hong Kong.  The first predictable question that reporters swarmed me with was whether I’m a “monster parent”.  My response to them was obviously that I am not, but the more important idea that I wanted to get across was that whether we make decisions which categorize us as “monster parents” or easy-going parents, the majority of parents on this universe are good parents, who base their decisions on good intentions for their children.  And those parents who have the courage to make the decision to let go, doesn’t necessarily make them superior parents, but it puts them in the category of being responsible parents.

Text by Flora Chan


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