【陳慧珊】有一種教育,叫學習做決定 (26) 打結、解結、拉開,三步自己找出解決方法
















【陳慧珊】有一種教育,叫學習做決定 (24) 分階段學習

【陳慧珊】有一種教育,叫學習做決定 (23) 有能力做自己

Decision Making is Educational

“Finding Their Own Way Through Knotting, Threading, Pulling”

Many parents and educators, and the Hong Kong popular media seem to feel that there’s an urgent need for our children to learn how to tie their shoes.  Children who don’t know how to do so by the time they’re in their second year of primary school are in danger of being labelled “spoiled brats”. 

When an article came out in South China Morning Post in 2012, like every other parent I used whether my daughter could independently tie her shoes as a benchmark of successful parenting.  Placed in the context of the phenomenon of Hong Kong children being “served” by domestic helpers and protective parents, I was hit with a wave of guilt that my daughter could not yet tie her shoes proficiently at the age of six.  Fortunately, my guilt was short-lived.  Once clarity set in I realized that I hadn’t pushed my daughter to be a champion shoelace tie-r, simply because her shoes did not need to be tied.

Back in ancient times when our ancestors could only rely on woven grass or hide laced with a leather cord or tree fibers, shoe types and methods to secure them to our feet have come a long way.  Once modern shoes were invented, multiple ways of tying shoelaces also surfaced to cater to skill levels and needs.  Not to mention, owing to innovative minds, shoes fastened with Velcro came into the picture in the 60’s, and more recently, facilitating devices such as lace retention clips.

The point is, the current generation of kids doesn’t really have a need to learn how to tie their shoes.  And it doesn’t reflect bad parenting or naughty, lazy, or incompetent children.  For example, although my daughter could not tie her shoes independently at age 6, she could return her plates and eating utensils to the kitchen after each meal without prompting, and dress herself independently (given sufficient time).

Conversely, I do not undermine the importance of children attaining the basic self-care skill of tying shoes.  I believe that they should and will learn to do so in due time.  Plus, there is certainly an educational process in children learning to tie their shoes, beyond the mastery of motor skills.

Through facing uncertainties, researching (observing how adults do it), controlling emotions, and trial and error, our children will make decisions along the way and eventually learn to achieve success through the winding path of “knotting, threading, and pulling”.  They may fall flat of their face a few times before they can master their shoelaces, but there’s always a price to pay for being educated the “hard” way — by having them learn their own way.

For my own daughter, what I’d found to be most productive in getting her started was to demonstrate the standard beginner’s “Bunny Ears” knot a few times, then hand her a pair of brightly colored shoes of her size and leave her to her own curiosity and innate motivation to discover.

It was amazing how fast she could figure out how to make loops, leave just the right length at the end to make sure that after pulling a loop through the middle hole that there was extra lace to tighten, maintain the desired tension, and eventually thread laces into difficult eyelets.  Aside from developing fine motor skills she even learned emotional skills such as how to “keep her cool” when faced with the defeat of having to repeat the same procedure over and over again. 

For older children, they could test more advanced decision-making skills, such as whether they want to play it safe with cotton or synthetic laces for good friction or be sensible to functionality with waxed and waterproof laces; they could even make smart choices such as securing their knots permanently with double knots for athletic events or choose to be daring and “cool” by wrapping the laces around their ankles to adjust lace lengths. 

Even though most parents would frown upon unconventional and unsafe ways of securing laces, and usually only ever demonstrate one or two tying techniques to our children, chances are our children will still find ways to do it in multiple styles that match their own desires and needs.

And if for any reason the shoelaces become undone due to bad decisions, lack of skills or bad luck, and injury is incurred, we could still rest assured that our children will quickly recover.  And no matter what, they will benefit from their own experience of decision-making, self-discipline, and (self) control.

The trick to maximizing our children’s learning of shoelace tying is to give them a pair of sneakers, demonstrate a simple tying technique a few times, then let them dwell on it on their own terms, at their own pace, through making their own mistakes.  Eventually they will not only figure out how to accomplish things, but they will figure out how to do things their way.


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