【陳慧珊】有一種教育,叫學習做決定 (7) 學習專注

















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Decision Making is Educational

“Learning Focus”

Making decisions for the well-being of our children is pretty easy.  Because our children are an integral part of our lives, we’re willing to contribute a great deal to taking care of their educational, emotional, social, moral, and physical needs.  However, while on the path of parenthood, some of us neglect to focus on our own needs, on our own learning.

The way I see being a healthy parent is for us to focus not only on the child, but to make a deliberate decision to focus on ourselves as individuals.  Many parenting books provide strategies that foster the growth of our children, but in our path to learning to make good decisions that are sensitive to and sensible for our children, shouldn’t’ we also be responsible to our own personal growth?

As a way to stay balanced, for the good of our children, family, and self, I think it may be healthy for us to place a dual-priority in renewing ourselves along the way of parenthood.  My approach to healthy parenting is that as long as we give 100% to our children at the appropriate time, in the appropriate manner, in the appropriate context, we don’t necessarily need to give them 100% of the pie 100% of the time, to be a “good” parent. 

Towards this approach to parenting, I made my decision to take on a three-month acting project when my daughter was three years old.  The decision was quite simple.  I enjoyed (and still enjoy) acting and I recognized that being immersed in a different world apart from what I had been used to for three years would perhaps induce my own personal development, which would translate into being a balanced person, and therefore a healthy parent.

Aside from enhancing my personal development, another reason why the decision to go back to work was not too difficult was because I had long figured out my four criteria to taking on any acting job.  Therefore, I merely had to weigh the criteria against each other and against my existing life situation (whether it would enhance or diminish the quality of it), and go from there.  (In any acting project that I take on, it’s based on the attractiveness of the director, actor(s), remuneration, and/or whether the timing is right for me and my family.)

In a recent interview about parenting, a reporter asked me whether my first priority is my daughter.  I told her, “That depends”.  In general, my daughter is undoubtedly my life priority, especially at this stage in her life when she’s still honing most of her life skills, acquiring self-direction and a moral sense, and adjusting to her environments.  But when I’m at work, when I’m performing my role as actress, my priority would be with my work; when I’m with my friends, I’d allow myself to immerse in our conversation, or in our meal, or whatever we happen to be spending time doing together; and when I’m at school, my studies would be my priority, and so forth.  And with that answer, I received a look of puzzlement.  Perhaps they expected a more clear-cut, one-word, “yes” for an answer.

Reporters are also surprised when they ask me, “Do you miss your daughter when you’re acting?” and I answer them with “no”.  Because I know that I could not possibly enjoy my acting if I am not whole-heartedly focused on it, I cannot miss my daughter and find work pleasurable.  I do, however, carve out certain times where I do allow myself to think of her.

Many actor moms confide in me that they miss their children terribly while on the job.  I’d share with them my own “strategies” and how it would actually be more painful for me to miss my daughter than to focus entirely on my work, and that we don’t need to feel guilty for doing what we enjoy doing in order to be good parents.  To act in accordance to our own beliefs, values, and convictions as individuals would actually make us good examples for our children.

I also share with my fellow mom-actors the responsibilities that I would fulfill before, during, and after work, so that once I feel like I have given my 100% as a parent, I can take the liberty to enjoy the rest of my day.

For example, before I head off to work (whether at 8am, 8pm, or 4am!), I would leave ample time beforehand to guide my daughter’s expectations by telling her exactly when I would be leaving for work and the approximate time I would be returning.  If I feel that she needs an explanation I would sit down with her and explain the reasons for my going to work which includes the enjoyment and growth that I attain from it.  During work, we have a binding contract (a promise which I have kept and never missed), and that is that she can expect and receive one call from me between the hours of 7-8pm, so that we can say our good night and she could have closure before turning in for the night.  If I’m on a full-day shoot and she happens to be home in the afternoon and reachable, I would promise her a call during her lunch-time.  After work, if she’s still up, I would tell her that I would contact her to let her knowing I’m heading home.  (This same procedure also applies nowadays for when I’m at school.)

Through the parenting principles of being consistent, being persistent, guiding children’s expectations, giving explanations/reasons for what parents do (and out of respect for the child as an equal member of the family), and listening carefully to what children have to say and being empathetic to their words and feelings, I have fulfilled my responsibility as a parent for that moment in time, and can therefore enjoy wholeheartedly the time carved out for enjoying my profession and acquiring personal transformation.

Aside from making the deliberate decision to enjoy my life outside of the home, I also remind myself daily to live in-the-moment.  While some of us go through life attending to our children’s needs, waiting for the time when they go off to college and become self-reliant, so that we can go back to “the way it was”, time passes us by and we may end up regretting not having been fully aware of the present moment — since we were always waiting for the future of “what might be” rather than living in “what is”.

The decision to live in the present, to look at the world in fundamentally new and different ways by being in touch with life experiences outside of my home life, to confront the feelings of guilt arising from being away from my daughter and finding strategies to overcome them, and the sense of optimism and inner peace that comes with enjoying what I do personally — which fuels me to transform as an individual in harmony with my daughter’s development and progression, all contribute to being a happy, healthy, and focused parent.

Text by Flora Chan


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