【陳慧珊】有一種教育,叫學習做決定 (8) 通過遊戲學習













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     【陳慧珊】有一種教育,叫學習做決定 (7) 學習專注

Decision Making is Educational

 “Learning Through Play”

Just as I was about to write this article, I suddenly heard my daughter belt out, as she darted out of her bedroom and past the computer room where I was writing, “Are you ready to lose! Are you ready to lose!”  It turns out that she was psyching herself up for a competitive yet friendly early morning game of foosball with her dad in the living room.  Her reaction to the joyful anticipation of playing with her dad reminded me of the benefits of play and the tools children use in play, which inspired me to change my initial decision and to write on this particular topic instead.

My husband and I had introduced to our daughter, from an early age, the concept of toys being “learning tools”.  Whether they be my daughter’s foosball set, her collection of Lightning McQueen race cars and pit crew, or her tribes of Lego Mixels, our family refers to them as “learning tools”. These “learning tools” teach her to make decisions as to what to learn, as she figures out how to learn from them.

Children can engage in different types of play and different types of learning through using their “learning tools”.  For example, when my daughter does “pretend play” with her stuffed penguins, (using them to enact real-life situations in the classroom, or imagined situations like a voyage to Mars, etc.) she is placed in an experience which forces her to make numerous decisions, such as how to solve problems to achieve goals, what is the most appropriate code of conduct, and when to use fantasy vs. reality.  In turn, these skills can be transferred to making daily life decisions such as how to cope with life constraints and stress, how to negotiate relationships with family, teachers and friends, and to realize, accept, and make the best out of various situations.

Treating her stuffed penguins as “learning tools” educates her in the realization that toys are merely toys unless we create, experiment, achieve, and apply the learnings attained from them to improve our own lives.

“Games play” is equally beneficial while using a different set of rules.  Take for example, one of my daughter’s favorite sports, football (or for Americans, soccer).  Moment-to-moment decisions are crucial for the one ultimate goal of the game, namely, to kick the ball into the goal and to land on this specific destination as many times as possible within the confines of 90 minutes (for professional football, and approximately 45 minutes for my daughter’s league).  On the school football pitch, my daughter makes numerous decisions according to the functions and capabilities/limitations of the football (“learning tool”) as well as according to the rules of the sport.  

From the “learning tool” (football) and the sport itself, she gains knowledge as to why the game is designed the way it is (“being”), understands what it takes to get the most out of the experience of living through the ups, downs, and motivations of the game in order to score (“knowing”), and ultimately, appreciating the reasons behind why the sport (or anything) is the way it is and applying the same concepts of understanding, realizing, accepting, reasoning, materializing, improving, and achieving for all life situations (“applying”).

It may seem a little far-fetched to gain all of those life skills from one little game of football, or one little pretend play with stuffed animals, but that’s only true if we treat a toy as a toy and a game as a game.  

My friends are always surprised when they come over my house and discover on my daughter’s shelf three versions of the same “learning tool”.  For example, my daughter owns three versions of the same car, i.e. a Lightning McQueen that changes color in water, one that can transform into the shape of an egg and back, and one that can perform multiple stunts such as front and back flips and glides sideways.  The reason why we made a joint family decision to purchase three versions of the same car is to explicitly show her that, parallel to life, things come in different forms (“being”) for different reasons (“knowing”) to achieve different goals (“applying”).  

If I’ve learned anything in life, it’s that there’s a reason why toy manufacturers make so much money!  They provide the tools for our children (and adults) to experience a learning process according to the constraints of the game (or “learning tool”) and to attain the power to discover our motivations, to turn the improbable into probable, the absurd into reality, and the unknown into the knowing and known.  In the process to all the decisions one must reach to achieve knowledge (transforming facts/experiences into wisdom that works for the individual), the best part about being educated through “learning tools” is that it’s not only profitable (in gaining wisdom), it’s also fun.

Text by Flora Chan


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